Initially the festival startet as an evening for local and independent filmmakers around Munich to show their masterpieces produced locally and discuss about new projects.
Fist issue of the StarFilmfest hosted by the Werkstattkino in Munich 2nd edition of the Starfilmfest hosted by the Maxim Kino in Munich
This year the festival evolves to a major star on the firmament of festivals. Twice a year the Independent Starfilmfest features an exciting mix of the best international short films as well as discussion panels, workshops, networking and other activities to create an event out of the filmfest.
Our passion is the independently produced shortfilm. Our mission is to connect and bring worthy filmmakers to a wider attention to get connected for new chances and projects. The Independent StarFilmfest offers a chance to independent filmmakers to honour their work by showcasing their artwork. Beside of that, filmmakers have the chance to win one of the prices for their films.
The Independent StarFilmfest offers possibilities to get connected with other filmmakers as well as professionals out of the industry as well as reaching out for a wider audience, producers scouting for talents, distributors searching for content.
By a fine selection of the best shorts we show a mix of thrilling suspense, emotional roller coaster rides and much laughter.
The Winter Edition of the Indepentend StarFilmfest in Freising.